Customizable Coaching Board

Coaching Board at its best, customizable coaching boards at Hoopsbasket

by Güney Dündar on Jun 13, 2022

Every coach needs one coaching board

Coaching boards are amazing tools for communication. This communication takes place between the coach and the player. Coaching board is the tool for creating this bridge between two sides of the equation, the coach and the team.

Also coaching boards are used to show diagrams both for defensive and offensive strategies. However coaching boards are also usefull for displaying information such as names, numbers or defensive matchups.

Selecting a versatile coaching board is the most important part of this purchase process. Not every coaching board are the same. Lighter backgrounds are good options to create a polarized colour on the board and it will make easier for players to understand what is being told. Another aspect is the layout of the coaching board. These layouts may vary from product to product.


Hoopsbasket effect on coaching boards

In Hoopsbasket we have 42 different coaching board layout. One side of the board shows the full court and the opposite side varies from product to product. There are 6 different options to choose from for the back side.

Hoopsbasket also creates 7 different coaching boards for different levels such as NBA, NCAA, WNBA, Women NCAA, College, FIBA and 3x3. The difference between these products is the shapes of the lines and dots on the court.

You can buy your coaching board from the following link

Or you can visit our homepage for more products related to basketball Hoopsbasket

Yet the best hasn't come yet. All of our products including coaching boards are customizable. Which means you can pick your colour, name, logo etc for 42 different coaching board. We believe the one who knows the best for you is yourself. That's why we let our customers to customize all our products. You can check this link for customizing your own coaching board